About Us
Based in Newbury, Berkshire, Leisure Promotions were founded over 30 years ago.
After a short period of selling detectors we soon realised that people were struggling to find land to use their new purchase. This is when we started arranging "The Newbury Rally", a yearly event where as many as 1000 hobbyists converge on an area of land to spend a weekend of detecting, token finding, and, almost more importantly, socialising.

From the Newbury Rally we then set up "The Sunday Club", a group for our customers to come out with us every fortnight to get together, let us help you set up your machine (in the field rather than a showroom), and give you some great land to get detecting on.
So, not only do we supply the full range of major manufacturers' products at fantastic prices, we also arrange the land for you to come and use your machine on. Other than swinging the machine for you, we can help you with all you need.
We have a real passion for the hobby - we pride ourselves on ensuring that you purchase the correct machine that fulfils all of your individual requirements. Our advice and support does not end when you have purchased your equipment, when attending our rallies we are always on hand to answer any questions or assist in any way.
This website is the next step in supplying our product to you, if there is anything else you would like to see here then please let us know.
Leisure Promotions (Newbury) LTD registered in the UK with number: 04865165
Registered office: 2 Old Bath Road, Newbury, Berkshire, RG14 1QL